What is a typical service like?

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 am and lasts for an hour and a half. We spend the first part of the service praising God with songs that reflect His majestic and holy character, and celebrate and proclaim the life-giving message of the gospel. The second half of the service is dedicated to the clear, in-depth preaching of God’s Word, the Bible. Our pastor preaches in an expository verse by verse, chapter by chapter style through books of the Bible with special topical sermons from time to time. Click here for current sermon series.

What is your style of music in worship?

We’re committed to singing a combination of the great hymns of the Christian faith along with contemporary Christian songs, all in harmony with the word of God. We seek to obey Colossians 3:16 in our selection of music.

“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Our main focus in our worship music is always on content rather than style. We desire that all of God’s children, regardless of their music preferences, might enjoy a meaningful worship experience each Lord’s Day with a blend of styles.

What should I wear?

You will find a wide range of dress styles among our people from very casual to business attire. Just come dressed how you feel comfortable and you will fit right in! The Bible says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)

Do I need a Bible?

We refer to the Bible a lot, so to follow along, we encourage everyone to either bring a Bible or use a Bible App on your personal device. Our pastor leads us in clear and faithful teaching and study of God’s Word. If you don’t have access to a Bible, there are extra ones in the pews for your use.

We primarily use the New American Standard Bible here at Westview Bible Church, though we often quote other versions. If you have another version you prefer, bring it along. Generally, the differences in most good Bible translations are minor in nature. If you need a Bible of your own, we also have complimentary ones available. Just ask an usher for your free Bible!

Where do my children go?

Newborns to Kindergarten age children can go to the Nursery Room in the house next to the main church building. Children from 1st – 4th grade begin the worship experience together with their teachers in the sanctuary, and then are dismissed after the worship songs are finished to attend a Children’s Church class. An usher can escort you to the class and introduce you to the teachers. If you prefer, children are always welcome to sit with their parents during our worship service.

Where can I go for help once I arrive?

We have ushers near the front door of the church to assist you in any way they can. Any of our members would be glad to answer your questions or get you the help you need as well. Our pastor and elders are available to meet with you here at church or in your home to answer further questions you might have about the church, the Bible and/or the Christian life.

What times are your services?

Morning Worship Service begins at 10:45 am.

Click here for full schedule.

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